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Why I Give - Impact RIT Today!

Your support allows RIT to provide life-changing opportunities for students who will transform the world around them.

Gifts Received:  37 Amount Received: $4,003 

Paving Brighter Paths

Our alumni have walked diverse paths, and as you read their experiences, you'll discover how RIT has played a pivotal role in shaping their careers, values, and connections—and why each of them has made the commitment to give to RIT.

RIT is the foundation of so many parts of my life. My co-op as a student brought me to Seattle and Microsoft in the first place. I met so many wonderful students and faculty at RIT. I hope my Sentinel gift can help provide the same amazing opportunities and connections for students that I had, especially with assisting those needing help covering the costs of their education.”

 Will Sugarman BS ’15

Read more about Will ›

"During my time at RIT, there weren’t many black women students. As an alum, I wanted to ensure I provided resources for students to have what they needed to succeed. I also met my husband at RIT. He benefitted so much being a part of the NTID community that it was important for me to give back in support of deaf and hard-of-hearing students, too.”

– Krystle Jones-Ellis BS ’09 MS ’15

Read more about Krystle 

"RIT is more than just a university to us. Our time there gave us the foundation and building blocks to make a professional life in the US. We felt a sense of community with both the facility and students. As immigrants, it was important to have that extra support."

— Karuna Mukherjea MS '97 

and Deepak Sharma MBA '97

Read more about Karuna and Deepak ›

"I hope that RIT can use my contribution to alleviate the financial burdens on students, enabling them to focus more on their education and less on work, just as financial aid once made my own education possible."

— Norm Wironen BS '71

Read more about Norm 

"Ethan speaks highly of his educational experiences, the resources available, and especially the dedicated faculty at RIT. As parents and as donors, we hope to see RIT continue to be globally competitive and offer scholarships so qualified students can obtain an RIT education.”

– Erin and Mark Minichiello P'23,'24

Read more about Erin and Mark ›

Consider joining Will, Krystle, Karuna, Deepak, Norm, Erin, and Mark in making your annual gift to RIT.

Thank you for making a significant difference for our students. 


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