The RIT's Eight Beat Measure Fund for Growth in Performing Arts Campaign has come to an end! Thanks for visiting!

RIT's Eight Beat Measure Fund for Growth in Performing Arts

Support RIT's Eight Beat Measure!
Gifts Received: 57  
Amount Raised: $10,417 

Support RIT's Eight Beat Measure, today!

Hailing from the Rochester Institute of Technology, Eight Beat Measure is the original Tenor-Baritone-Bass A Cappella group on campus. Established in 1987 as the RIT Men’s Octet, the group has evolved over the years, transcending its original form to become Eight Beat Measure. Initially faculty-led and an extension of the RIT Singers, the ensemble quickly embraced contemporary a cappella, expanding beyond its original eight members.

Today, Eight Beat Measure boasts a diverse repertoire that spans from hip-hop to rock to Irish folk, ensuring there's something for everyone in their performances. The group sets the stage ablaze at various annual events, including the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella (ICCA), as well as their fall and spring semester concerts, Meltdown and Chill Beats respectively. Beyond these major showcases, Eight Beat Measure frequently takes its passion for a cappella to smaller performances across RIT's campus and the local Rochester community, captivating a wide range of audiences.

Your gift will help support Eight Beat Measure, the A Cappella community and the performing arts community to allow for better expression in performing arts. We want to continue to share and promote the arts by organizing and setting up public events and performances in the area. We want to dedicate our time to brighten up and create a stronger community. Here at RIT, the arts empower, heal, and revitalize.

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