Thank you for your interest in making a gift to impact RIT. This campaign has ended, but you can still make your gift at

Thank You for Joining Us at RIT Visionaries

Your support of the RIT Fund provides life-changing opportunities to the next generation of Visionaries- our students.

Paving Brighter Paths

Our alumni have walked diverse paths, and as you read their experiences, you'll discover how RIT has played a pivotal role in shaping their careers, values, and connections—and why each of them have made the commitment to give to RIT.

"I support scholarship and financial aid funding because I placed a large weight on affordability when deciding where to attend college. When I got my acceptance letter and scholarship package, I saw it as an investment RIT donors were making in me. Similarly, I hope my gifts can close the gap for an incoming Tiger who has their eyes set on RIT.”

 Lucas Randrianarivelo BS ’22

Read more about Lucas ›

Karen Roth Headshot

"Having the dean permit the use of college funds to cover the conference costs was remarkable. He knew how important it was for me to be there, and that had a huge impact on me. I want to help provide those same types of opportunities for students. Every financial contribution makes a difference and can go a long way to help someone. The college unrestricted funds are vital to helping students when the situation arises, just as it was used to help me when I needed it.” 

– Karen Roth BS’06

Read more about Karen ›

The DeGroots Headshot

"I was an RIT scholarship recipient when I was a student. I was one of three children of a single, hard-working, blue-collar mother. It was because of the generosity of others — scholarships from donors — that enabled me to attend such an amazing school. I am who I am today because of my mom’s strength and the support from the donors. The message around what Daniel and I do is about thanking the institutions that helped us when we needed it, and reminding other past scholarship recipients that they are where they are today because of donors.

— Kim Conti DeGroot BS ’90

Read more about Kim and Daniel ›

The Dixits Headshot

"This is our way of giving back to our alma mater and all Tiger students. We are here to give a helping hand. Anita and I would like to give the same kind of opportunities and the necessary education to aspiring students who want to build their careers. Quality doesn’t just happen. It takes integrity, hard work, and the right tools.” 

— Bal Dixit MBA '74

Read more about Bal and Anita ›

Beth Singer and Howard Smith

"The biggest reason we choose to give back to RIT is everything the university has done for our son. It’s an honor to talk to bright, intelligent, exciting students about their lives and their work, to really feel like a part of the RIT experience, and to be able to contribute to the future and RIT going forward. Giving back, inspiring students, and providing them with insights and ideas they can take into their careers—into their future—makes you feel really special and excited for them.”

– Beth Singer and Howard Smith

Read more about Beth and Howard ›

Consider joining Lucas, Karen, the DeGroots, the Dixits, Beth and Howard as members of RIT's Sentinel Society by completing your pledge form. As a Sentinel member, you too will be able to maximize your impact on education and strengthen your connection to RIT. 

If you are still considering a Sentinel Society pledge, you may still impact RIT with a gift by selecting the amount and designation at right. 

Thank you for making a significant difference for our students. 


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